 Some points to note before submitting:

* Please only send relavant stuff or it'll go straight into Keiko's bottomless pit.

* For Suikoden and/or Psychic Force submissions of fanart, fanfiction or photos, or even jokes, poetry whatsoever,
these are all welcome here.

*Please, please!  So send only stuff that you are proud of! Don't just draw a stick figure and
arrow it with a character's name; your works will be displayed to the public, so don't do work that even you think is really shoddy.  Of course, we will never reject submissions if you put in just a bit of heart into doing it. :P

*Please send URLs of the files you uploaded on the net or if you can't, you can send the files to me via attachment,
but please send only files under 200k.  You can always consult me if you have problems dealing with file-size and stuff like that.  I don't mind helping.

*Simple, right?  Now that you're done reading through this, please submit your submissions
at this address :

If I do not reply to you in a week after submission, please contact me at to tell me.
Please do not send any form of attachments to, it will be ignored.
Questions and comments are welcome, though.

Thank you for your kind submissions!
I guess I'll try to put up a form here soon to make things easier.........?

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